Seni & Budaya

A Temple in Sambisari Village

Oleh : Reza Nurdiana / Senin, 00 0000 00:00
A Temple in Sambisari Village

Sambisari temple located in Sambisari village, Purwomartani, Kalasan. This temple was founded again accidently by a farmer in 1966. The temple was buried by 6,5 meters lava of Mount Merapi eruption.

The level is similar with Prambanan, but more modest. This is because Sambisari is watak level, while Prambanan is kingdom level.

Complex of Sambisari contains a main temple and 3 perwara temples in front of it. The first yard measures 50 x 48 meters, surrounded by fence which made of white stone. The main temple measures 13,65 x 13,65 meters with 7,5 meters tall, consists of base part, body, and roof. Facing to the west side and has one chamber. Perwara temples are only base without body and roof today, each temple measures 4,80 meters x 4,80 meters.

In the chamber of main temple, there is lingga-yoni with cerat yoni faces north side. The chamber also has some niches. North niche contains Durga, east niche contains Ganesha, and south niche contains Agastya. There also are niches on the right and left side, but the statues are missing.

It is easy to reach this temple because the track has already been paved. And can be traversed by two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles. There is also wide and safe parking area. With only Rp2.000,00 for adult and Rp1.000,00 for children, it is very cheap to see archeological of history.

This temple is a historic building, so it is managed by Culture and Tourism Department, Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala (BP3) Yogyakarta. So, tourist who wants to use this location, just contact Balai Pelestarian Peninggalan Purbakala (BP3) Yogyakarta in  Jalan Yogya-Solo km 15, Bogem ,Kalasan Sleman Yogyakarta.



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