Seni & Budaya

Nandi and Siva in Ijo Temple

Oleh : Reza Nurdiana / Senin, 00 0000 00:00
Nandi and Siva in Ijo Temple

Ijo temple located on a hill named Gumuk Ijo, the highest hill in Prambanan area. The height is 410 meters above sea level. There is a steep valley with beautiful view on the south side.

Ijo temple is a complex of temple contains some buildings with terraces yard. The most holy part is on the highest place in the back. It reminds to remain of megalithic era. Establishment period is still unknown. But the ornament is similar with the other temples that were built in VIII-X AD.

There is lingga-yoni in the temple, symbolizes Siva united with Parwati. So, the temple is Hindu genre Siva. The worship to lingga is for Siva, named lingga kultus. In companion temple, there is a bull statue (Nandi). In Hindu mythology, Nandi is a vehicle of Siva.

There were found two ancient inscriptions. One of them is Bhuyutan. The another contents curse spell "Om sarwwawinasa, sarwwawinasa". The inscription does not show the year, but according to paleographic view it came from VIII-IX AD.

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