SEAMEX (Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange) 2019
[Expired] 6 - 08 September 2019

#SEAMEX (Southeast Asia Music Education Exchange) is the first dedicated marketplace for music education in Southeast Asia.
A hundred of music professionals from 10 ASEAN countries will come together to share ideas, explore opportunities and build
a solid network. Other international country representatives are also invited to participate in the dialogues.
Mark your date! From 6 to 8 September 2019 in Jogja National Museum,
Yogyakarta, Indonesia, at 9 am - 10 pm. Don't miss it!
Come and join SEAMEX 2019!
Music Performances and Exhibition are free entry, but make sure to register yourself to join the conference and music workshop.
For more information please contact us at +62 821 1454 0241â£