
Cave Tubing and See the Beauty of Pindul

Oleh : Reza Nurdiana / Senin, 00 0000 00:00
Cave Tubing and See the Beauty of Pindul


Pindul cave is one of seven rivers that drained by underground river in Bejiharjo area. This cave has 300 meters long, 5 meters wide, the gap between water surface and cave roof is 4 meters, and the water depth is about 5 meters. In one part, there is a quite wide enough place so it looks like a big pool. There is also a whole where the sunshine entrance. For you who want to get in the cave vertically could down through that whole. Not far from this place, there is a cave named Gua Gelatik (dry cave), Jendral Sudirman heritage monument, and Sokoliman archeological site.

People say naming Pindul cave came from the journey of Joko Singlulung exploring forest, river, and cave to found his father. When he passed the seven caves with underground river, his head hit a giant stone, that is why this cave named Pindul by people.

Suits for Beginner

Cave tubing is almost as same as rafting. If rafting is an activity to sailing a river by the boat, so cave tubing does it by sit on a tube. Because the water flow is quite both in dry or rain season, so cave tubing is flexible for beginner or children.


Guides are always available to accompany you while cave tubing. They also provide cave tubing outfit such as tube, life vest, and headlamp.


Pindul cave located in Dusun Gelaran I, Desa Bejiharjo, Kecamatan Karangmojo, Gunung Kidul, about 7 km to the north side of city of Wonosari. Like the other area in Gunung Kidul, there are many teak tree and lime stone along the way.

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