Seni & Budaya

History of Kadisoka Temple

Oleh : Reza Nurdiana / Senin, 00 0000 00:00
History of Kadisoka Temple

Kadisoka temple located in Dusun Kadisoka, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman. This temple only left the bottom foundation. The size is guessed as same as Gebang temple. But, the clarity of this temple is still being a mystery.

Kadisoka temple was founded in December 7, 2000 by a sand digger. This discovery then was reported to BP3 Yogyakarta. And in 2001, excavation and rescue was done. It shows all of the east side of the temple.

Kadisoka temple is the squared rectangular, facing westward. Based on the findingsof the golden rectangle plate depicts lotus flower and precious stones, this temple is assumed as Hindu temple. Although, the religion background is not really clear yet because there was not found any statue, bas-relief, or ornament which show the characteristic of Hindu or Budha.

Kadisoka temple located in the middle of rice fields, and to reach this site only could be traversed on two-wheeled vehicles. Since it is in the same track with Sambisari temple, people assumed Kadisoka temple was built in the same era of Sambisari temple.

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